Thursday, June 15, 2017

New Job

News: I am heading to Appalachia, having accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Design at Marshall University in Huntington, WV, where I will be teaching printmaking and the book arts starting in the fall. The other faculty are interesting and supportive, and the facilities are great- in a newly converted six-story downtown department store building, built in 1902. If you are ever in Huntington, give a holler.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Upcoming workshops: The Morgan, Pyramid Atlantic, WSW, Penland School of Crafts

I am teaching several workshops this summer.

Letterpress at the Morgan Conservatory (Cleveland, OH) June 17th and 18th: 

Screenprint at Pyramid Atlantic Art Center (Hyatsville, MD) July 1st and 2nd: link forthcoming.

Letterpress at Women's Studio Workshop (Rosendale, NY) in their Summer Art Institute, July 10-14:

And in the fall, I will be teaching a one-week class combining printmaking with simple book forms at Penland School of Crafts (Penland, NC), November 5-11: link forthcoming.

Space Gallery show

I'm getting caught up here keeping track of some of my goings on.

In January I was invited to be a part of a show at Space Gallery in Jacksonville, called A More Perfect Union.

There's a blurb about the show here:

The opening was super- showcasing the diverse and growing Jacksonville arts scene.